An inclusive business is a sustainable business that benefits low-income communities. It is a business initiative that, keeping its for-profit nature, contributes to poverty reduction through the inclusion of low income communities in its value chain.
Inclusive Business works when commercial and pro-profit companies engage in transactions benefitting the underprivileged sector. An example of which is the sale or distribution of construction materials at a discounted rate for projects aiming to eradicate poverty. Here, the company is able to earn profit and expand its market all while helping the beneficiaries of the projects through discount.
The social building partners include non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, local government units and social housing developers whose building projects are normally off the radar in the mainstream building industry.These partners need not be directly involved in construction provided that they have occasional constructions projects and/or repairs of existing facilities.
The industry partners include manufacturers, distributors and sellers of various construction materials. They also include service providers such as contractors and project managers or professionals such as architects, engineers and interior designers. These partners are those who are willing to provide their products and/or services at a discounted rate or even donations for projects registered under FairBuilding Network.
Engagement Forums are gatherings where a certain Social Building Partner is given the spotlight to present its upcoming and/or ongoing construction projects in front of at least five different industry partners. Over the years, these forums are held either in BCI Asia Philippine’s Office, the NGO’s office, or the actual construction site. However, due to changing circumstances, FairBuilding has started exploring conducting engagement forums virtually.
Want us to arrange a forum for you? Contact us now!
Membership to the FairBuilding Network is ABSOLUTELY FREE! For Social Building Partners, they sign a memorandum of agreement stating their willingness to provide information about their construction projects. For Industry partners, they sign a commitment form stating their willingness to give discounts or donations for construction materials and/or services. Not yet a partner? Sign up now!
As BCI Media Group’s corporate social responsibility arm, FairBuilding Network’s operations are 99% sustained through the support of BCI Media Group. To supplement BCI’s support, other like-minded and forward-looking corporations have taken the step to join us in our quest to bring affordable buildings to the poor – one project at a time. Join us in making a difference!
111 Paseo de Roxas Bldg., Paseo de Roxas cor. Legaspi St., Makati City, Philippines 1200
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 7720-1224
©2020 by FairBuilding Network